Marsha Canham’s Books Should Come With a Warning Label: Danger of Passing Out from Repeatedly Causing Readers to Hold Their Breath

If you’ve read many of the posts on this blog, you’ve probably noticed there are several authors that I dearly love.  One such writer is Marsha Canham.  Her books keep me on the edge of my couch, holding my breath from the scenes she creates that often find her characters in mortal peril, risking their lives for honor, duty, and love.  It is a wonder I haven’t passed out from lack of oxygen while reading one of them.  Seriously, they should come with a warning label.

Another thing that is sure to endear an author to me is attention to detail and historical accuracy.  Canham more than clears the bar in that area as well.  She creates fascinating worlds peppered with real-life characters so well drawn that I felt like I’ve actually seen pages of a history book come alive.  She has written many series, set in different times, but one of my favorites is her Robin Hood Trilogy, made up of “Through A Dark Mist,” “In The Shadow of Midnight,” and “The Last Arrow.”   I read the series last year and wished it had never come to an end.  Imagine my delight in finding another book written about the same time period, featuring familiar characters.  Within a minute of downloading “The Dragon Tree” I was once again under the author’s spell. Continue reading

I’ve Been SWEPT AWAY by Marsha Canham

Having a bad taste left in my mouth from the last few books I’ve read, I decided to move to a sure winner by one of my favorite historical romance authors.  Just as I hoped, Marsha Canham did not dissapoint.  Her adventure-packed romances are always keepers and never fail to keep me mesmerized to the very last word.  Most of her stories are part of a series, but I found this stand-alone tale this week on Amazon and decided it was the perfect thing to chase away the bad-book blues.

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